Covid-19 Update on work experience placements at Bromley Council
Unfortunately, the London Borough of Bromley has had to take the difficult decision to cancel this year’s programme of work experience for young people. The first placements were due to take place from mid-June through to early July. A number of factors have contributed to this decision including:
the fact that most of the schools involved have withdrawn their students from the confirmed placements due to uncertainty around schools re-opening and the safety of young people.
- the fact that the Council is currently planning a recovery to start to get over 1,400 employees back to work but the official line at the moment is still ‘to work from home’ where you can.
Bromley EBP will be contacting all the young people directly as well as the employees from within the Council who have been generous enough to offer to host a student this year.
We appreciate that all those involved will be disappointed but we intend that the programme will resume again in September for placements within the Council for the next academic year.