Bromley EBP undertake redirected tasks to help the local effort
Like the majority of Council employees, the EBP team have been working from home during the current period of lockdown. As our work is closely linked with schools and businesses, both not operating fully at the moment, we have been able to offer our help to other LBB services in the local emergency crisis effort.
PPE Distribution - Karen and Sarah are both enjoying offering their support to help distribute much needed PPE equipment to a range of services including local care homes, social care and other LBB departments.
Volunteer Feedback Project - all the team are using our experience of working with volunteers to support this LBB and Community Links project. Over 2,000 people volunteered to help at the beginning of lockdown when it was clear that many vulnerable residents and those told to shield would need help with everyday tasks. More than 600 volunteers have been matched with at least one resident and are providing a life-line of support. BEBP have had the privilege of telephoning the volunteers to get feedback and ensure things are working well and so far we have made over 470 calls.