Youth employment post Covid-19
During the pandemic, Bromley EBP have continued to ‘keep in touch’ with the 56 young people we have placed into employment since April 2019 through the YES project. Of those we have been able to contact, 10 reported they had been furloughed but more alarmingly 3 young people had been ‘let go’ by their employer or made redundant due to the pandemic. This gave us cause for concern and as a result we have researched reputable sources to get more information on the emerging picture.
‘The sharp rise in unemployment that early benefits and vacancies data suggests is currently happening, gives us reason to fear that employment and pay scarring could be large and long-lasting. Past experience tells us that, while recessions naturally drive up unemployment across the population, the effects are more severe for those who have only recently left full-time education. In total we expect 800,000 18-24-year olds to leave education and approach the world of work this year.’ Quote from Class of 2020 paper (Nuffield Research), May 2020
‘Around a third (31%) of employers surveyed by the Sutton Trust reported that they were likely to hire fewer apprentices over the coming year, or none at all. This will not be a priority for struggling businesses, and there will be less levy funding available as turnovers decline. Meanwhile, the closure of schools and colleges is preventing young people from accessing the careers guidance that might lead to an apprenticeship, with the disadvantaged disproportionately affected’. Quote from London Councils response to Education Select Committee on Apprenticeships, June 2020
The Office of National Statistics shows that the number of claimants (aged 18-24) in Bromley for May was 1,900 (9.2% of the cohort). This number compares with 575 at the same point in May 2019 and it is likely this figure will increase dramatically going forward.
We are all aware of the latest government response announced on 8th July with a ‘Kick Start’ programme to help unemployed young people but there is no doubt – there are truly challenging times ahead.