Primary Chemistry at Work

Pupils from Perry Hall and Keston CE Primary Schools took part in our Primary Chemistry at Work event on Wednesday 10th June, at the Bromley Youth Music Centre. This year the event was part of the Children’s University scheme which aims to give children learning experiences outside of their normal school day, involving travel to an activity, to help promote attendance and achievement.

45 year 5 and 6 pupils found out about forensic explosives with Laura Girdham and Tom Canning from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DTSL), and the chemistry of fire with Mark Donaghy from the London Fire Brigade. It gave them a chance to explore how science plays such an important part in our day to day life and meet some of the people who use science in their work.

Feedback from the teachers and pupils was that the event was great fun and really interesting. Julia Evison, Headteacher at Keston CE Primary School, said "the children really enjoyed it so thank you for letting them experience it. We will definitely attend future events - events like this are so important for children to experience and learn from".

We would like to say a huge thank you to our presenters who made this event such a success.


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