• Mentoring3

Referral Information

What is the Bromley Mentoring Initiative?
The Bromley Mentoring Initiative (BMI) provides an early intervention, multi-agency and borough-wide approach to mentoring for young people in the borough.

What mentoring programmes do we offer?
Our mentoring programmes support young people from 10 years upwards who may benefit from the long term support of an adult volunteer mentor.  The young person should be on roll at a Bromley school/Education setting.  We currently run two programmes:

  • MOPAC Project – the target population for this programme focuses on early intervention for young people who may be experiencing some/all of the following difficulties: low self-esteem/self-confidence, poor motivation/engagement in education, emotional dysregulation, at risk of school exclusion, domestic abuse, parental mental health difficulties, substance abuse within the family/peer group, NEET or at risk of becoming NEET.
  • Motivating Young Minds – this is a virtual mentoring programme aimed at supporting young people in Years 11,12 and 13 who are in care or care leavers who are considering higher education or are already at college or university.

The programmes are fully funded and there is no charge to service users.

Mentoring sessions generally take place in a school setting for one hour a week.  The role of the mentor is to build a supportive, encouraging and trusting relationship that enables them to feel listened to and to work towards any goals they may have.  We ask our mentors for a commitment of up to a year for each mentoring relationship.

Young people must be referred by a professional working with them and we cannot take referrals directly from parents/carers.  The young person must understand what mentoring is and agree to the referral and we also require parental consent for the referral to go ahead.

Our mentors are matched very carefully with their young people, with consideration given to cultural heritage, interests, opinions, needs and aspirations of the young person referred as well as the skills and experience of the mentors.

Who are our mentors?
Our mentors are volunteers from the local community who each work individually with a young person.  There is a rigorous application process in place for new mentors in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education and Safer Recruitment including a comprehensive enhanced DBS checking process.  New mentors receive a day’s training (which includes safeguarding expectations, a code of conduct, tools, resources and the support available).  All mentors are required to complete annual safeguarding training.

Our referral process

  • Complete and return our referral form to mentoring@bromley.gov.uk.  The referrer needs to obtain parental consent and consent from the young person before submitting the referral form.
  • A member of our team will acknowledge receipt of the referral and respond with any further questions.
  • The referral will be processed and if appropriate, a match made with a volunteer mentor.  An initial meeting will then be organised with the appropriate professional, our programme lead, the mentor and the young person.
  • Ongoing support is provided to the mentor and communication with the professional involved continues throughout the mentoring relationship as well as an annual evaluation with the young person.

Please click on the appropriate leaflet for your service.
What is Mentoring? - a guide for young people
BMI and Social Care Working Together
BMI Information for Schools
Mentoring Advice for Parents/Carers - School based Mentoring
Mentoring Advice for Parents/Carers - Community Mentoring
Motivating Young Minds mentoring programme

To make a referral please see the downloads section for the referral form.  Please complete the form and email to mentoring@bromley.gov.uk

If you feel that a young person you are working with would benefit from a mentor, then please contact Emma East on 020 8461 6240 or emma.east@bromley.gov.uk for discussion.

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